About us

IlluminateICT's simple belief is that it is not about us, it's about our customers: the charities and voluntary and community organisations they work with. Illuminate's initial funding came from ChangeUp with a key objective of becoming sustainable.

Illuminate's funding finished in 2008 and since that time we have been earning our own money, to support the work of developing professional internet solutions and supporting design, training and project management systems.

The ICT Champion role funded by NAVCA demonstrates our commitment to the Voluntary and Community sector. This allows us to offer free, imparial information about a range of ICT systems.

Our services and offerings are always being developed inclluding

  • Website design using the award winning Drupal content management system (CMS)
  • Creating accessible web sites
  • Ability Net advisor
  • Training on computer applications and advice on open source products
  • Design and design consultancy - Matthew can assist by running facilitated workshops to help you tease out the design that really captures your organisations ethos
  • Projects and project management
  • Building social media (Twitter, facebook) into your communications strategy

Follow us on twitter @illuminateict and @iictpete